End of the Road

du 12 au 13 Septembre 2008

Musique | 

 Larmer Tree Gardens près de Salisbury  | Dorset | 

End of the Road


Capacité 5000

L'idée du End Road Festival était d'organiser un festival intime avec vos artistes favoris, dans un esprit amical et détendu. Les Larmer Tree Gardens (dans le Nord du Dorset, au Royaume-Unis) est le lieu parfait pour créer cette atmosphère si particulière où les amoureux de la musique peuvent se réunir dans la campagne, entourés de perroquets et de paons!


A Hawk And A Hacksaw, Absentee, The Accidental, The Acorn, Akron/Family, American Music Club, Angelo Spencer, Baby Dee, Billy Childish, Bob Log III, Bon Iver,Bowerbirds, Brakes, Bowerbirds, British Sea Power, Calexico, Cate Le Bon, Cats in Paris, Christopher Rees, Congregation, lare and the Reasons, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band, Darren and Jack play Hefner songs, David Thomas Broughton, Dead Meadow, Devon Sproule, Dirty Three, El Guincho, FM Belfast, Friska Viljor, The Gentle Good, Gossamer Albatross, Hey Negrita, House of Brothers, Hush The Many, Jason Molina, Jeffrey Lewis, Kelley Stoltz, Kimya Dawson, Kurt Wagner (Lambchop), Laura Marling, Lets Wrestle, Liz Green, Lonely Ghosts, Low, Mercury Rev, Micah P Hinson, Miracle Fortress - *CANCELLED*, apologies, The Mountain Goats, Mumford And Sons, Noah And The Whale, Over the Wall, Pete And The Pirates, Peter And The Wolf, Pyramids, Revenge of Shinobi, Richard Hawley, Robyn Hitchcock, Screaming Tea Party, Seabear, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Sons of Noel and Adrian, Sun Kil Moon/Mark Kozelek, The Sylvias, Thinguma*JigSaw, Threatmantics, Tindersticks, Two Gallants, The Wave Pictures, Woodpigeon, Zombie Zombie.

Le site officiel


Organisateur du festival

End of the Road


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Location/Points de vente

Points de vente habituel
- Réseau Digitick www.digitick.com
- Réseau Fnac, Carrefour, Hyper U, Geant www.fnac.com
- Réseau Auchan, Cora, Cultura, Leclerc www.ticketnet.fr


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End of the road festival

End of the road festival

End of the Road festival takes a lot of pride in all the 'little things' that make a great festival, such as good food (organic / local), good beer, caring and well-mannered staff, hygiene etc.

It is important for them to keep their creative freedom, so they have taken a conscious decision not to litter the beautiful venue with advertising hoardings. Believing that people go to festivals for the music, not to be sold a particular brand of sports drink or mobile phone.

They encourage band participation in all areas of the festival, and some acts will be invited to dj, present workshops and many other things besides. The festival has the kind of atmosphere which encourages collaboration and 'special' events - 2006 saw acts such as I'm from Barcelona, Ed Harcourt, Josh Ritter and Darrren Hayman all playing surprise sets in and around the festival site, as well as a few unexpected collaborations (thankyou Ryan Adams and Jolie Holland, and the Brakes/Seapower/Soft Parade boys).

As one of the festival organisers is Swedish, there will also be a Scandinavian feel to the festival with a Scandinavian showcase of up and coming Nordic talent. But it won't stop at that, there will also be Swedish snacks and other Scandinavian treats such as playing the old Viking game Kubb.

 [2008-07-25] Source : n.c  Clara
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