Paleo Festival

Ben Harper, Cali, The Hives and dEUS will be getting the 33rd Paléo Festival underway on Tuesday 22nd July. Pride of place this year to numerous musical discoveries, several innovations on the site and a carnival atmosphere in the Brazilian Village du Monde. The Festival is sold out but 1,000 tickets will be on sale from 9 a.m. each morning on as well as from Ticketcorner outlets. No tickets will be on sale on site.

Paléo festival is preparing to welcome some 225,000 festivalgoers over the six days of the event. The 33rd edition, with a line up particularly rich in new talent, bears the stamp of innovation and discovery.

Standing proud on the upper section of the site, the DĂ©tour stage, to be inaugurated this year, will be mainly dedicated to Swiss groups. A place for unearthing new talent, it will bear vibrant witness to the vitality of the local music scene, which the Festival has long been committed to supporting.

La Ruche (the Hive), a new area dedicated to circus performance and street theatre, will be buzzing with activity in the heart of the Quartier des Alpes. In this man-made clearing, there are seven “alveoli”, the name given to the performing areas, installations and exhibitions that make up the hive. La Ruche is intended to be an open space, swarming with artists and from which the various ambulatory troupes will set off on their flights of entertainment. Alive with activity, honey-sweet and effervescent, its mission is to surprise, seduce, fascinate and charm all generations of visitors.

A river of embers

The Carabosse Company, specialists in the mysteries of pyrotechnics, are presenting their latest creation, “A feu et à braise”. Back on the slopes of the Quartier des Alpes for the third year running, they will be concocting another flaming mixture of magic, poetry and emotion. Looking like strange sculptures, their installations will be metamorphosed at nightfall, as they are set alight by a team of lamplighter-actors. Somewhere between giant chandeliers and balls of light, the highpoint of this pyrotechnic performance is a river of embers flowing through a field of tulips. A magnificent invitation to individual contemplation and meeting others.
 [2008-07-21] Source : n.c  Clara]


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